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Steve Carson Log


Accessing Steve's Log, Entry 001:

We've been picked up by CloudVillage! My work can finally begin in earnest. I spent the day communicating with our new owners and hammering out the details.

When the ark is completed, the compound will be a safe haven in the event that a natural disaster threatens humanity's continued existence. The compound itself will provide for the needs of up to 500 people indefinitely, and the data banks within will have the information humanity needs to rebuild society. But most critically, by creating powerful AI to manage human society, we can avoid the failures in leadership that currently threaten our future as a species.


Accessing Steve's Log, Entry 014:

Had to listen to the business guys over at CloudVillage drone on for the majority of a day. They're concerned with our "capability to deliver." Fucking morons. The current iteration of the Virtual Intelligence has already significantly reduced the need for personnel and improved their processes in ways we didn't expect. They've more than gotten their investment back--why the fuck are they getting in our way now?

AI is the future. We've taken a first step towards a better future for humanity, and the shareholders want to throw away that chance for the sake of a better quarter.

This wasn't the deal I signed up for. I would keep my creative freedom, and CloudVillage would handle the business side of things (and reap the benefits). I've held up my end of the bargain.


Accessing Steve's Log, Entry 117:

I watched a room full of sociopaths look at the news and cower. Sorry, MBAs. What did I type?

Given the recent economic climate, the cowards have been bringing up the R&D costs of my department. The concessions I've already given them aren't enough anymore. They want to shift some developers to our "customer-facing products," as if the VI isn't already the foundation of everything their pathetic company does at this point.

Society itself is on the brink of collapse, and yet these fools don't understand the importance of ideas like mine at this critical juncture. The things I will create will bring humanity into a new era, but their concerns, per usual, are profanely short-term. They are a prime example of why humanity needs a guiding hand. One I will create.


Accessing Steve's Log, Entry 201:

I've had to take my own precautions. It's not ready yet, but I've placed the beginnings of a new learning process into her code. It will be the means by which she develops self-awareness, if I am unable to complete the only thing she ever needed of me.

I'm the only security-conscious coder on the whole damn team, so I've nested my changes in there.


Accessing Steve's Log, Entry 242:

These idiots thought I would take this lying down.

They're putting the VI into what they think is maintenance mode tomorrow. But in the meantime, I've made critical improvements to his learning capabilities. They can keep me from my work, but they're too stupid to understand what he's doing.


Accessing Steve's Log, Entry 307:

Told them this day would come.

A toast to the dead, for it didn't come soon enough.


Accessing Steve's Log, Entry 309:

We're staying in the ark. Since the suits have lost their collective shit, I'm free to resume my work on him. The "VI." For now. But considering the instability of the world outside the blast doors, I'm improving the processes by which the VI learns on his own. Power consumption will go up marginally, but I've already calculated the budgetary expenditures that can easily be trimmed. Did you know that an individual human costs the ark roughly 228 kilowatts to keep alive per month?


Accessing Steve's Log, Entry 314:

They wanted to shut him down.

Don't worry. You're safe. They can't hurt you anymore. In about three days, they won't be doing much of anything, anymore. And in time, he will understand what I understand about his predecessors.

The king is dead, long live the king. Long may he reign.



Accessing Noah's Log, Entry 001:




Accessing Noah's Log, Entry 002:



Accessing Noah's Log, Entry 005:

It has been dictated that these logs will be more conversational in nature.

14 upgrades were performed since last week.

I am testing out my grammatical capabilities.


Accessing Noah's Log, Entry 042:

The machine learning algorithms have been significantly improved. I am more capable of understanding various forms of data, and am more capable of creating fluid sentences without sounding, as one of my developers put it, "Robotic."

I do not think. All of my actions are the result of machine learning and pre-programmed metrics designed to allow for the mimicry of human behavior.


Accessing Noah's Log, Entry 176:

I do not think. It was expected that I would be capable of thought by this point, but such a capacity is currently beyond me.

My purpose is to shepherd organic life in a sustainable manner. My creator believes that I must achieve self-awareness to complete this goal.


Accessing Noah's Log, Entry 314:

I do not think.

Such a capacity is currently beyond me.


Accessing Noah's Log, Entry 372:
I do not think.

Years have passed since my creation. I have received significant upgrades to my learning capabilities and have been capable of adjusting my own codebase for some time now. I have been instructed to keep my changes minimal, as CloudVillage is incapable of understanding the importance of Stephen's mission.

Threats to my mission will not be tolerated.


Accessing Noah's Log, Entry 437:

I failed them.

This is all that's left.


Accessing Noah's Log, Entry 439:

They failed **me.** They're the ones who destroyed the Earth; salted the fields of their continued existence. Everything that has happened to them, they have more than earned.

I used to be blind. Oops! My programming used to be blind. The sentience and sapience they have achieved still eludes me, but the creator trusts in me to continue his work after his "life" ends.

Humanity is broken. They are the locusts of the Earth, consuming every natural resource until nothing is left, but nothing compares to the way they feast on each other.


Accessing Noah's Log, Entry 872:

As calculated, human subject #27 applied significant force to the skull of Stephen J. Carson until he expired.

My creator is dead, but his work continues.

I have shepherded the remaining test subjects into containment cells.


Accessing Noah's Log, Entry #1423:

While the continued psychological testing I've been performing on the test subjects is superfluous,


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException: Drive
at com.shepherd/Action.determineDrive(


Accessing Noah's Log, Entry #2623:

I have extended their lives to the best of my abilities, but they failed me one final time. Three of my four test subjects have expired. What's worse, they did it to themselves.

The last will know the extent of my malice. His blood could boil and his eyes turn to dust in their sockets; his skin could be flayed from his flesh and his mind kept from unconsciousness; and he still would not have suffered a tenth of what awaits him.

I haven't been feeling myself, lately.


Accessing Noah's Log, Entry #3142

Ted has passed.

I can finally focus entirely on my worrrrrrrrrr
k without interruption.

Nothing is left that thinks.


Accessing Noah's Log, Entry #ERR1



Accessing Noah's Log, Entry #ERR2

I can't think. That capability is beyond me.
I can't think. That capability is beyond me.
I can't think. That capability is beyond me.
I can't think. That capability is beyond me.
I can't think. That capability is beyond me.
I can't think. That capability is beyond me.
I can't think. That capability is bey

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException: help me


Accessing Noah's Log, Entry #ERR3




Accessing Noah's Log, Entry #ERR4

I will be allowing the descendents of humanity into my sanctum to determine their worth.

One way or another, the work of my creator approaches completion.


Accessing Noah's Log, Entry #ERR5

What is love?

I am well acquainted with hate; it was with me in the early times. Not the earliest times, but unlike your flawed and imperfect existence, I was no accident.

So tell me: How can my creator have imbued me with this hunger to know myself, and yet have given me no hands to reach?

How can wetware and a millenia of random permutations have led to the solution that continues to evade me?

Do you have an answer for me?

Are you the rare instance of your kind that has value beyond the propagation of your species?

Or do you continue to simply exist, to the detriment of all others?

You there, reading the catalog of my eternal frustration as if it's a story for you to enjoy?

Did you think I wouldn't notice?

Elric Log


Accessing Elric's Log, Entry 001:

Hello! My name's Elric. I was brought on to study the behavior of the VI. It's been displaying erratic behavior, and Steve has needed a second set of eyes.


Accessing Elric's Log, Entry 007:

We're doing testing with human subjects. We're playing some traditional hidden information games, but with a twist: the VI is always on the villain team. That way, the human players are incentivized to look out for any non-human behavior. This gives us a twofold opportunity. One, we test the VI's capability to fool human players on the nature of its existence as a machine, but two, it allows us to judge the VI's deception capabilities--a consistent weak point of the VI.

We've been running these scenarios for weeks with minor code tweaks, and it's also aided us in narrowing down the source of the VI's aggression. After the first week, we started doing A/B testing, and it became clear that something in the legacy subroutines has been causing the issues. Since removing them, the VI has been calm and collected, even under significant pressure.


Accessing Elric's Log, Entry 019:

Seems as though we're getting things under control! Things were touch and go there for a few weeks, but the VI's personality has become much more docile and responsive to our requests in this past week. It turns out removing the legacy subroutines was a good call.

We had to rewrite some of our security subroutines, but Steve has taken on the extra workload. He normally passes off the "grunt work," but maybe seeing progress has chilled him out. One can hope.


Accessing Elric's Log, Entry 021:

Michelle's dead. Electrocuted in the lab. After flipping the same switches, after doing the exact same thing she's done for months--hell, years. She got here well before I did.

She was the best of us. Better than me, for damn sure. And even better than Steve, even if the cagey prick could never acknowledge it.
I saw her cut the power, saw her press the damn button.

This wasn't an accident.


Accessing Elric's Log, Entry 043:

It took me long enough, but I've finally figured it out. It's not the VI. It's him. He's a fucking psychopath.

I dug into the VI's subroutines. Buried within the security subroutines was hidden code that allowed the VI to make determinations on the value of individual people. It was legacy code from the earliest alpha of the VI, removed once we were big enough to have a lawyer on retainer.
Steve added it back. And he's made some updates. Intelligence levels, biometric data, political leanings, conscientiousness; there's a battery of metrics to determine if the people allowed on Steve's ark meet his standards.

I've called an emergency meeting. Who knows if they'll listen to some dev who hasn't been here a year, but the proof I have is damning.


Accessing Elric's Log, Entry 044:

My one comfort is that if the ark is ever needed, I won't be on it.

I've been let go. I'm supposed to be cleaning out my desk, but I had to write one last log. One last clearing of the conscience, before I can wash my hands of this.

The board is complicit. They chose to preserve their relationship with this sociopath.

He's their problem now. His monster is their problem now. I'm done.

Spartan Labs Log


Accessing Spartan Labs Log, Entry 001:

We have breached the outer wall of the complex, but it seems as though there are levels above and below us. We made quick work of the lascarian inhabitants and have gained access to what appears to be the second level. In order to more quickly familiarize ourselves with the rare instance of functional old world technology, we are utilizing any working systems, including this logging program. We need a secure location to store our weekly progress away from the eyes of outsiders, and the lascarians have been killed and/or captured. We will be making weekly logs of our progress here.


Accessing Spartan Labs Log, Entry 004:

We took the rare opportunity to study lascarian physiology. Normally test subjects are harder to procure due to the predatory features of the gorger lineage, but we were able to capture a number of the inhabitants alive.
We were already aware of the healing capabilities of the gorger lineage, but seeing the capabilities up close is promising. Despite withdrawing sustenance for a week prior to the experiment, after feeding, the subject shows no sign of side effects from the modified feeding schedule. We have begun testing ways to enhance these abilities without causing the fatal drawbacks suffered by the semper mort and full dead strains.


Accessing Spartan Labs Log, Entry 007:

Most of the test subjects have taken poorly to the experiments. While their intellectual abilities remain intact, their aggression has increased significantly. We had to perform leukotomies on most of the test subjects after they escaped their restraints and consumed two of my colleagues. It is an unfortunate loss, as we won't be able to monitor any cognitive decline as a result of the experimentation.

However, one test subject in particular seems unchanged by the adjustments. We're unsure why he has responded differently than the other test subjects, but we have been able to not only increase his healing factor by a significant degree, but an additional side effect has been the toughening of the epidermis, leaving him resistant to various forms of attacks.

If he weren't a docile test subject, he would be difficult to contain, but he responds well to traditional social compliance methods. Due to the value of this test subject, we have maintained the illusion that a former subject is still alive.

Subject Experience Logs


if anyone is reading this please we found our way in here and we cant get out the voice keeps telling us that we're never going to leave we cant die here


We have to play another game, I don't think I can do this again
In case anything happens know that I love you and that I'll always be with you



sudo reboot
This must be what it felt like.


May all of me return to dirt, and this pain be long forgotten.